Our Research Projects
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 22:56
Our research projects revolve around the main aim of the project, which is to strengthen the capacity of the education system in the field of educational research and improving the use of research in educational policy, practice and managing education. The research are designed to create information resources for educational policy and to allow monitoring of the education system in terms of its improving.
Five major areas of research
Area 1 - Core curriculum and development of subject teaching methods
Within the area, the following research projects are currently in progress:
- Assessment of Lower Secondary School Students Competences
- School of Independent Thinking
- Laboratory of Thinking - Diagnosis of Science Education in Poland
- Implementation of History New Core Curriculum in Lower Secondary Schools
- Analysis of the Functioning of Science Education in Selected Countries
- Comparative Analysis of Core Curricula Structures in Selected Countries
- Equating the Results of External Examinations in Lower Secondary Schools
- Core Curriculum and Subject Teaching Methods Development in the Opinions of Teachers, Head Teachers and Students
- European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC)
- Learning and Teaching Foreign Languages Study
- International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)
- Good practice in non-formal science education
Area 2 - Psychological and pedagogical determinants of school achievement
Within the area, the following research projects are currently in progress:
- Individualization of Education Process in Early Education
- School Determinants of Teaching Effectiveness
- Student Assessment in Schools
Area 3 - Sociological and legal aspects of education policy
Within the area, the following research projects are currently in progress:
- Legal Foundations of Teaching Profession in Poland
- The Study of Novice Teachers
- Institutional Environment of Schools
- International Computer and Information Literacy Study
- TALIS - International Research Teaching and Learning
- Time and Working Conditions of Teachers
Area 4 - Education economics: public and private expenditure and education-related markets
Within the area, the following research projects are currently in progress:
- Household Education Expenditure and its Determinants
- Education Financing and Management at Local Government Level
- Economic Determinants for Objectives and Guidelines on Allocation of Private and Public Education Spending in Poland (BECKER)
Area 5 - Education and the Labour Market
Within the area, the following research projects are currently in progress:
- Competence Management in Lifelong Learning
- Determinants of Educational Decisions - Household Panel Study
- Higher Education Graduate Tracer Study
- Lower Secondary School Graduate Tracer Study
- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC)
- Simulation and Prognostic Structural Model of the Polish Economy Including Human Capital Formation