Report on the State of Education
- Published on Tuesday, 06 December 2011 01:21
The information booklet summarises the main points of the "Teachers Matter. Report on the State of Education in 2013" which, as the title suggests, focuses on the portrait of Polish teachers. Teachers form probably the largest professional group in Poland. It is essential from the perspective of the country’s socio-economic development. High educational standards and the education level of society are currently key factors determining the civilisation advancement and development prospects of individual countries - these standards largely depend on teachers. The generic portrait of the Polish teacher does exhaust all aspects of this professional group. It demonstrates stark internal differences determined by teachers’ substantial specialisation. To create the comprehensive picture of Polish teachers, the report examines this group in the context of the specific profile of their subjects.
Download: Teachers Matter. Report on the State of Education in 2013. Information booklet [pdf, 1.6 MB]
Outcomes matter - Report on the State of - Education in 2012 - Information booklet
This information brochure presents a summary of the third edition of the “Report on the Condition of Education”. We call it “Outcomes Matter”, because for several years, we have been transforming the education system into a model where learning outcomes constitute the fundamental criterion for assessing acquired qualifications in the areas of knowledge, skills and social competence.
These are not solely the outcomes of formal education, but also outcomes to be attained through non-formal or informal learning. These transformations are the main theme of the section entitled “Modernising the qualifi cations system in Poland to support the policy of lifelong learning”. It was the concept of lifelong learning that spurred the introduction of learning outcomes as the main criterion of the education system’s consistency and effectiveness.
Just like its previous editions, this report opens with an analysis of the changes occurring in education, as well as the legal changes in the formal general and vocational education system and higher education. It presents quantitative data on the educational infrastructure, the participation of children and youth in the education system, the relationship between educational attainment levels and transition to the labour market, and the financing of education on various levels. The brochure also contains an analysis and comments relating mainly to the specific underlying factors driving these trends to present a versatile picture of the condition of Polish education.
Naturally, this booklet does not include all the issues presented in the in-depth report. Therefore, I wholeheartedly encourage you to read this report, which is available at
Download: Outcomes matter - Report on the State of - Education in 2012 - Information booklet [pdf, 21 MB]
“The Changes Continue” is the second report from a series of reports on the state of education prepared by the Educational Research Institute. The report contains a new regular part in which updated information on trends in education is collated from different sources accompanied by a chapter devoted to changes in law which were introduced in the year prior to the publication of this report – 2011.
Compared to 2010 report more attention was paid to vocational and higher education - it was a year of significant legislative changes in both areas. The end of school year 2011/2012 was followed by significant changes in vocational schools culminating in the introduction of the new, long-anticipated core curriculum for vocational education.
Changes in higher education were introduced on 1 October 2011 through the higher education act amendment of March 2011. Thanks to National Qualification Frameworks in Higher Education, which have been in preparation since 2006, universities have gained more autonomy in the development of their curricula. They can plan the courses they offer independently, determining the name and curriculum as well as the expected learning outcomes. These changes occur at a crucial moment for universities as they have to cope with the effects of population decline and consider their offer and strategies for development.
The Download the report [pdf, 17MB]
This publication presents the highlights of the Report on the State of Education. Its main goal is to strengthen public debate on education.
We review the research of the last decade, organise facts to show their significance and draw on findings to build a large consensus around education. Sometimes we state our views but our intention was to pose questions rather than provide definitive answers or ready solutions.
However, the title of the 2010 report "A society on the road to knowledge" reflects the view of the authors that after 20 years of transformation education is still halfway between a rigid system of the past and a flexible, dynamic system which not only adapts to the changing environment but is also the driving force behind social and economic development.
The increase in the social value of education is one of the greatest achievements of the last two decades in Poland. Its effects are evident in improved educational achievement and growing aspirations. This initial success forms the basis for future development. The authors believe that we must seize the opportunity to build on these high aspirations.
Michał Federowicz
Director of the Educational Research Institute
Report on the State of Education (Download pdf file)