The Conference in Oslo: Managing Assessment Processes - Policies and Research
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:51
Growing interest in in-school assessment, national examination systems and educational accountability are the prominent topics of educational debate in the last decade, both in Europe and worldwide. The issues attract attention not only from examination boards and active teachers, but also from a number of renowned universities and research institutions. For 11 years, the results of related research and studies in the area have been disseminated through conferences held by the Association for Educational Assessment-Europe.
A study visit to FIER, Finland
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:51
On 18-20 October 2010 our representatives (Magda Krawczyk – the Teacher Research Unit, and Marcin Chrzanowski – the Science Section), led by Michał Sitek, participated in a study visit to Jyvaskyla (Finland). Its aim was to establish cooperation with the Finnish Institute for Educational Research (FIER – KTL in Finnish: Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos) at the University of Jyvaskyla.
.The Conference in Antwerp on the Relationship between Education and the Labour Market
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:49
The principal objective of the Conference in Antwerp was to outline the strategy of the EU Member States concerning the challenging relationship between education and the labour market. The Conference participants discussed the effectiveness of active labour-market policies and the issues concerning their implementation.
.Study visit to England
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:48
On 7-14 November a group of five members of the IBE Science Section visited the University of Reading, UK. The main goals of their visit were to gain better understanding of:
- British education system at school level
- teaching methods in science classes
- British system of teacher training
The group visited six secondary schools, observed over 20 general science, biology, chemistry and physics lessons, and carried out interviews with head teachers and science teachers.