Latest news
- Report on the State of Education in 2013
- Simulation and Prognostic Structural Model of the Polish Economy Including Human Capital Formation
- Digital Reality of Polish lower secondary school students (ICILS 2013)
- Polish Lower Secondary School Teachers and Headmasters in the Light of Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS 2013)
- 8,000 schools have signed up for National Study of the Third Graders' Skills
- Teaching Tools Database in KeyCoNet Catalogue of Initiatives 2014
About the ProjectThe main goal of the project is strengthening the education system in the field of educational research and the improvement of the use of research findings in education policy, practice and management. |
About the InstituteThe Educational Research Institut (IBE) is an institution conducting interdisciplinary research concerning the functioning and effectiveness of the education system in Poland. |
The ReportThis publication presents the highlights of the Report on the State of Education 2010. The Report is a synthesis of basic statistical data concerning education, the labour market, demography, social policy and the results of domestic surveys. |
The TeamThe Institute employs over 130 education researchers - mainly sociologists, psychologists, educators, economists, political scientists - most of whom are eminent specialists in their fields with considerable professional expertise. |
International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS)
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:35
The aim of the International Computer and Information Literacy Study (ICILS) is to assess how well prepared students are for life in the information era, which refers to an individual's ability to use computers to investigate, create, and communicate in order to participate effectively at home, at school, in the workplace, and in the community.
.The study, which is scheduled for completion in 2013, will give us a deeper insight into the preparation of Polish students to function in the “information age”; it will also allow us to identify national and regional differences and indicate the position of Poland internationally. An important goal of the study is to provide information on the factors favouring and hindering the development of information literacy among young Poles which might form a basis for the creation of a long-term strategy.
The study will include students of the second class of Polish middle school (who will complete a test assessing their skills and a student questionnaire), their teachers (teacher questionnaire) and schools (school questionnaire).
Additional information essential for international comparisons will be provided by a national questionnaire, which will help in gathering information on topics such as national educational policy, ICT resources and the most popular methods for using them in schools.
The project is being run in cooperation with the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).