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About the ProjectThe main goal of the project is strengthening the education system in the field of educational research and the improvement of the use of research findings in education policy, practice and management. |
About the InstituteThe Educational Research Institut (IBE) is an institution conducting interdisciplinary research concerning the functioning and effectiveness of the education system in Poland. |
The ReportThis publication presents the highlights of the Report on the State of Education 2010. The Report is a synthesis of basic statistical data concerning education, the labour market, demography, social policy and the results of domestic surveys. |
The TeamThe Institute employs over 130 education researchers - mainly sociologists, psychologists, educators, economists, political scientists - most of whom are eminent specialists in their fields with considerable professional expertise. |
Higher Education Graduate Tracer Study
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:32
The aim of the "Higher Education Graduate Tracer Study" is a complex evaluation of the educational and career paths of graduates of a selected higher education institution based on existing data received from the Social Security Institution (ZUS) and the higher education institution. The data will be supplemented with information collected from the qualitative part of the study concerning the expectations of employers, students and graduates, and the panel research concerning evaluation of the situation of graduates entering the labour market.
.The innovative methods adopted presume a connection between information about the educational history of particular individuals and data concerning their professional careers.
As part of the study various factors will be analyzed, such as the influence of an individual’s education history on their career path, the effectiveness of expenditure on education, the demand for different graduate skills, graduate fears connected with the labour market, the expectations of employers and pupils in connection with higher education, and action taken by students and graduates in order to prepare for entering the labour market in the region in which the institution operates.
The study will be carried out by the Educational Quality Evaluation Unit at Warsaw University.