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About the ProjectThe main goal of the project is strengthening the education system in the field of educational research and the improvement of the use of research findings in education policy, practice and management. |
About the InstituteThe Educational Research Institut (IBE) is an institution conducting interdisciplinary research concerning the functioning and effectiveness of the education system in Poland. |
The ReportThis publication presents the highlights of the Report on the State of Education 2010. The Report is a synthesis of basic statistical data concerning education, the labour market, demography, social policy and the results of domestic surveys. |
The TeamThe Institute employs over 130 education researchers - mainly sociologists, psychologists, educators, economists, political scientists - most of whom are eminent specialists in their fields with considerable professional expertise. |
The Study of Novice Teachers
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 08:23
The aim of the study of novice teachers was to assess the practical preparation of teachers and the professional adaptation of novice teachers in school, and particularly to analyze and evaluate the methods of training students for work in the teaching profession, to identify the professional strengths and weaknesses of teachers and analyze the process of professional adaptation, including identification of the problems related to this.
.The question of the motivation to work in the teaching profession and the differences between novice teachers’ expectations and the reality of the difficulties experienced at work were also studied. The aim of the study was to gain a deeper understanding of the context: to understand the opinions of school principals on the subject of the training of teachers and their functioning in school, particularly in regard to their relations with the management, other teachers, pupils and parents.
This qualitative study has been entrusted to PBS DG, an external company selected by public tender. The interview stage has been completed and the study report is currently being prepared.