Education and Labour Market Unit
- Published on Monday, 05 December 2011 03:04
Education and Labour Market Unit's research activities focus on the analysis of the relationship between education and the labour market, with particular emphasis on the situation of young people entering the labour market.
.Areas of interest:
- demographic determinants of the education system and labour market
- higher education graduates in the labour market,
- demand for key competences,
- designing tools for forecasting demand and supply of labour by occupations,
- educational institutions,
- determinants of educational decisions at both household and individual level,
- analysis of information resources for educational policies monitoring and implementation.
The Education and Labour Market Unit research projects:
- Higher Education Graduate Tracer Study
- Competence Management in Lifelong Learning
- Simulation and Prognostic Structural Model of the Polish Economy Including Human Capital Formation
The Unit cooperates with higher education institutions, the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, the Central Statistical Office and numerous other educational institutions for the purpose of information and experiences exchange.