Core curriculum for science subjects in selected countries - brochure
- Published on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 01:35
Experts at the Educational Research Institute compared the Polish science core curriculum with its equivalents in five European countries: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France and England. The aim of the comparative analysis was to examine whether teaching scientific reasoning skills and the scientific method occupies a similar position and is assigned the same high priority across the countries.
The comparison also aimed at identifying the similarities and differences between the documents which might inspire future changes in the Polish document.
The selection of the countries was motivated, among other things, by students' skill level in reasoning in natural sciences in the PISA 2006 survey. The countries selected had either average results higher than Poland (Finland, Estonia, England, the Czech Republic) or similar, but significantly higher in indentifying scientific issues and in interpretation and acting on scientific results and evidence (France).
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